Eaten Bread and all that…..
Toyota were the main sponsors of Munster Rugby from Summer 2004 to Summer 2013 – during which period, it was reported that they invested €13m. In 2013, SEAT became Car Partners to Munster Rugby. Within months of the end of the Toyota sponsorship, it was as if they were never there with Munster staff were changing to driving SEAT cars.
When I saw this on the Bank of Ireland premises at 32, South Mall, I got to thinking about the difficulties of being associated with a professional sports team.
The Marketing Dept probably spent some time deciding on the message to be conveyed and the actual wording to accompany the image. To my reading, Bank of Ireland were linking into the group spirit and being at one with the team – ‘We’re with you every step of the way’.
All that appears fine until half way through the year, the player featured shows his determination and decides to step away and join another team.
So are Bank of Ireland I step with J.J. in thinking it best to leave here…..
If the Marketing Dept knew then what they know now, would the message and image be together?