No Such Thing as Bad Publicity - Chapter 23
What is right is always right. What is wrong is always wrong. There is little room for exceptions .
Yesterday, I waffled on about anomalies and exceptions in the use of Irish. Later, I spotted this new van with sign-writing that didn’t sit right with me.
After that bit of learning, I was still puzzled as to why it was ‘fit outs’. One does not hear of ‘fires brigades’, ‘records player’ or ‘weddings ceremonies’. It just did not sound right to me and my mathematical perspective assumed that what did not sound right had to be incorrect .
A few hours on the internet has educated but has not allowed me to confirm it as grammatically incorrect – there being exceptions to almost every norm.
Andy Beedle did wonder as to ‘teethbrush’ when on a similar journey that ended inconclusively. DC pondered ‘drinks cabinet’
There even appears to be no uniform title for a noun qualifying another noun – nouns used as adjectives; noun adjunct; or attributive noun.
From my reading it would appear that the general rule is that it should be ’Turnkey Fit Out Solutions’ but this does not make it incorrect to say ‘Turnkey Fit Outs Solutions’.
If only I could communicate in numbers.