I mentally read the poster aloud to myself and was not comfortable with the word ‘fuller’. It did not sound correct. It did not sit well.
My thought at the time was that ‘more full’ sounded better. My Eureka moment came, putting that thought firmly in its box, when I read an online discussion.
I totally agreed that ‘full’ was like ‘dead’, an absolute condition - not a relative position.
Just as one cannot be more dead than another, how can something be more full? ‘Nearer full’, maybe. But not ‘fuller’.
But fuller is in MacMillan, in relation to ‘a fuller figure’ and Chambers. Microsoft Word suggests that I should use ‘deader’ than ‘more dead’ above.
That quote included in an earlier blog - “Words are in dictionaries because they exist – they do not exist because they are in dictionaries” Máire Nic Mhaoláin – once again may be appropriate.
Another expression that came to mind was one regularly used by GOM, ‘There’s nowt as queer as folk’. ‘Deader’ and ‘fuller’ may make absolutely no sense to one like me who is guided by logic, but their use by those folk has the words now included in dictionaries.