‘Gardner’ has yet to make it into the Chambers Dictionary but has recently made an appearance on the streets of Cork.
Using signs, advertisements and messages as the inspiration for observation and comment - enlightened and otherwise
Just as one does not, most likely, appoint a builder on his ability, or inability, to spell the word ‘extension’, it is probable that in appointing someone to look after one’s garden, one does not care how he spells his trade.
‘Gardner’ has yet to make it into the Chambers Dictionary but has recently made an appearance on the streets of Cork.
AuthorFrom Cork. SUBSCRIBE
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December 2024
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Head Rambles For the Fainthearted Bock The Robber Póló Rogha Gabriel Patrick Comerford Sentence First Felicity Hayes-McCoy 140 characters is usually enough Johnny Fallon Sunny Spells That’s How The Light Gets In See That Tea and a Peach Buildings & Things Past Built Dublin Come Here To Me Holy Well vox hiberionacum Pilgrimage in Medieval Ireland Liminal Entwinings 53degrees Ciara Meehan The Irish Aesthete Líníocht Ireland in History Day By Day Archiseek Buildings of Ireland Irish War Memorials ReYndr Abandoned Ireland The Standing Stone Time Travel Ireland Stair na hÉireann Myles Dungan Archaeouplands Wide & Convenient Streets The Irish Story Enda O’Flaherty Cork Archive Magazine Our City, Our Town West Cork History Cork’s War of Independence Cork Historical Records Rebel Cork’s Fighting Story 40 Shades of Life in Cork Roaringwater Journal |