M.C. for the event was Andrew Roche of Irish Rail who imparted quite a bit of information on the history of station, and, the railway system. I had not realised that there were six stations in Cork – the first being at Kilbarry.
He listed each of the stations around the country that were renamed in 1966 to commemorate those executed in 1916. When he said there were 15 stations, it begged the question in my head as to which one of the 16 was not so honoured. This reminded me of these photographs taken last week confirming the Pearse brothers were both honoured when Westland Row was changed to Pearse Station. I definitely think that Willie Pearse is not often recalled when people think on Pease Station – people generally thinking of his brother. My opinion, he is not as honoured or remembered as the other 15 by the renaming of the stations. | |
| 1916 Rebel The actors from the play, Thomas Kent 1916 Rebel, performed a scene and intermingled with the crowd. It tours the county next week before a run at the Everyman commencing on the anniversary of the death of Thomas Kent, 9th May. I will be attending. From that, you can take that the performance was very impressive and enjoyable. I do recommend. |
Gabriel Doherty of UCC History Department spoke of the life and times of Thomas Kent. Once or twice, I thought it may be in danger of becoming too academic but it didn’t. It was not a list of actions and events. Mr Doherty put the life of Thomas Kent in the context of the period and challenged us present as to our sense of community and responsibility. | |
I took from the talk this morning that Thomas Kent, like many others, took it not just as a duty, but as an honour and privilege to assist his community and country, regardless of the physical cost to him and not wanting any benefit, personally – just a benefit to community . In this listener, it contrasted so much with the mé féiners that appear to predominate current society.
We are citizens of a republic but I think the vast majority thing of any benefits to them rather than what they can do for their country.
The Lord Mayor laid a wreath to conclude the event.
Well done Irish Rail