Queen Victoria’s statue at the Aula Maxima in U.C.C. was removed and replaced with one of St. Finbarr. It was buried for over 60 years before going back on display. Streetsigns bearing the name Victoria were painted over in recent years. The statue of Victoria that stood at Dáil Éireann was removed and spent a long time in storage before being sent to Australia.
Victoria’s was not the only memorial to be removed from the lawn of Leinster House. A cenotaph was erected in 1923 and had two panels, one commemorating Arthur Griffith: the other commemorating Michael Collins. This temporary structure deteriorated for many years before being replaced at a different location at Leinster House.
My own list of memorials damaged or removed has reached 65 and the categories of those commemorated varies widely.
‘The commemorative function of monuments was paramount. However, the expression of loss and regret for the dead was inextricably entwined with and, to an extent, secondary to attempts to continue the memory of their owners’ personal and social identities…….. |
A plaque was erected at Kilmore Quay in 2018.