As the shop is now closed down, maybe this riddle, or telling the public to stop, put off potential customers.
stationary adj 1 not moving; still. 2 fixed; not changing; remaining in the same place. stationery noun paper, envelopes, pens and other writing materials. affect1 verb (affected, affecting) 1 to have an effect on someone or something. 2 to cause someone to feel strong emotions, especially sadness or pity. 3 said of diseases: to attack or infect. noun psychol 1 the emotion linked with a particular idea or mental image. 2 the predominant mood, feelings or emotions in a person's mental state. | effect noun 1 a result. 2 an impression given or produced. 3 operation; a working state • The ban comes into effect today. 4 (usually effects) formal property. 5 (usually effects) devices, especially lighting and sound, used to create a particular impression in a film or on a stage, etc • special effects. verb (effected, effecting) formal to do something; to make something happen, or to bring it about. for effect in order to make an impression on others. give effect to something formal to do it or bring it into operation. in effect in reality; practically speaking.take effect to begin to work; to come into force. to the effect that formal with the meaning or result that. to good or some, etc effect with much or some, etc success. to no effect with no success. to that effect formal with that meaning or intended result. with effect from formal coming into operation or becoming valid at (a specified time). with immediate effect formal as from now. |