the Archive magazine where there is an article on the pirate radio stations that existed in Cork in the early 1980’s. That prompted a web search for nostalgia reasons that threw up a discussion on Radio Waves Forum
The Archive article reflected the period of my late teenage years and Soutchcoast was my station of choice. Even now, I can recall it was where I first heard of Five Hand Reel and ‘The Man from God Knows Where’ which was played on the early morning show. I still have the album on vinyl – if only I had a working record player set up.
At around 12.30, there was a listener’s favourite 5 section. I remember making and remaking my own list which kept changing. I did submit a favourite five. It was played as requested one Friday when I had returned from college. I definitely recall that Joe Walsh’s ‘Life’s Been Good’ made the final cut and that there was a track from Dexy’s Midnight Runners. After that, I am struggling. There was probably a Jackson Browne and a Pink Floyd from The Wall.
Last week, I was parked opposite the railway station and saw the Cork version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame – although those recorded were at their prime in a time before mine.
It did remind me of the old Arcadia and another link to the pirate radio station. There was one programme where they had a competition for two tickets to the Saturday night gig at The Arc. There must have had very few entries as I remember winning three or four times – Hawkwind was definitely one of the concerts but all the others, bar one, have got lost in the various long corridors of my memory.
If I was able to create one of the stars in the pavement for people to read and walk on, to record my memory of the Arcadia, it would recall 1981/2 when I was in fifth year, and would state:
Compliments of the Southcoast Radio, for free, I saw U2 in The Arc.