At week two, we were encouraged to set up a blog.
Approaching the end of my fifth decade on this planet, I was happy to have avoided Facebook, Bebo, Twitter and the like. I was less than enthused with the notion of setting up a blog – things personal and private should remain private – or so I was raised.
To get the best out of the course, this blog was borne and has given me some enjoyment.
Nominations for the Irish Blog Awards opened some months ago. Anyone could nominate a blog. This site was nominated and I put the link towards the bottom of the side bar – remember that anyone (including the author) could nominate.
Today I was reading Grandad and read that the Blog Awards shortlist had been announced. A quick check on the Blog Awards website, brought a smile as I was one of 33 shortlisted in the Newcomer category.
I need to do many technical things like back-up; allow subscriptions; and, figure out Twitter and Facebook links. But I must be doing something right.
There are no Mixed Messages with this post – pride, happiness, satisfaction all come within the same category.